Plain and simple, a strong mission statement is one of the most critical pieces of your brand because it is meant to answer the BIG question:
Why does my brand exist?
In our line of work, we commonly encounter entrepreneurs that forget one key element - purpose. And no, it's not just to make money.
Too many companies are started on the basis of a good idea, but with very little meaning or reasoning behind it. However, companies and people are not driven by product ideas alone. They require a powerful sense of purpose people can rally behind. But unlike the decades it can take for us to define our individual purpose, writing your company's mission statement doesn't have to be that complicated.
Writing a mission statement is much easier than we make it. Every great mission follows a simple formula that contains most, if not all, of these four key elements. Work through them and you will be on the fast track to writing a mission statement that keeps your organization on the straight and narrow.
The Four Key Elements of a Strong Mission Statement
1. The Motive
A great mission statement should light a fire in your belly. Building a company is exciting, but it isn't always fun. A mission backed by passion is what motivates the organization and keeps everyone coming back to work, even when the going gets tough. Having trouble with this?
TIP: Ask yourself: "Would we still be doing this if we weren't getting paid, and why?" If the answer is no, then perhaps you need to rethink your business.
2. Accountability
Think of your mission statement as a daily, weekly, and monthly accountability partner that keeps you focused on your goals. You should be able to read it and ask, "Did I accomplish this today?" or "Does adding this new product/service still allow us to accomplish our mission?"
TIP: Resist the temptation to expand into a new category or beef up your product offering purely to generate short-term revenue. Losing focus on your mission will cost you far more in the long run.
3. The Who
Without your audience it would be nearly impossible for your brand to exist. Who stands to gain the most from your brand? Busy moms in your community? Orthopedic surgeons across the US? The planet? Don't forget to include your audience in your mission.
TIP: You can be everything to a small group of people or you can be nothing to everyone. Stay focused. The riches are in the niches.
4. The Solution
What's more important than calling out your audience is addressing what you can do for them. What are their pain points, desires, aspirations? How do you help them alleviate their pain or reach their ideal selves?
TIP: Make a shortlist of all the ways you help your audience. Then choose the most important one or sum them all up concisely in one bullet point.
Don't over-complicate your mission by including marketing strategies, business goals, operations, and your firstborn. A great mission should be simple, memorable, and inspiring. Most of all it should be a daily reminder of why you started in the first place.
Need some more help crafting the perfect mission? Check out this article or contact us for some outside perspective on your brand's focus.